Friday 9 August 2013

L'eau ASEA

Et oui, j'ai recommencer la vente de produits.  Celui-ci me laisse tout simplement bouche bée.  J'ai commencer à en boire le 30 juin dernier et je pète le feu.  J'ai plus d'énergie que j'en ai eu depuis 2010.

Maman en prends depuis le 8 juillet et a perdu 3 pouces d'enflure aux genous et pète aussi le feu.  Papa a même commencé à prendre mais c'est trop tôt pour savoir ces résultats.

Cet eau nourrit vos cellules et des cellules en santé font que votre corps s'autoguérit.

Je ne peux tout simplement pas vous expliquer ce que c'est avec ce petit blogue.  Je vous invite donc à cliquer sur ma bannière, visiter mon site et tenter l'expérience vous aussi.

Le produit parle par lui même.

Appelez-moi pour en jaser :-)


Wednesday 27 March 2013

Le groupe sanguin 0

Ceux qui me connaissent bien savent que j'étudie la santé et le bien-être depuis toujours.

Ces temps-ci, mes recherches se sont arrêtées sur la nutrition pour les groupes sanguins.  Avec toutes les prises de sangs que j’ai pris dans les dernières années, j’ai finalement découvert que j’étais de type 0.  Le plus anciens des groupes sanguins.

Dans son livre, Dr. D’Adamo mentionne quels sont les aliments bénéfiques, neutres et nuisibles à chaque groupe.  Pas besoin de vous dire que ma première découverte en lisant ce livre est que je mange tout ce qui est nuisible à mon groupe sanguin!!

Alors j’ai commencé à ajouter des changements dans mon alimentation.

1er changement : Le pain Kamut. 
Si j’ai bien compris le principe du pain Kamut c’est qu’il est fait d’une ancienne céréale et est biologique.  En tout cas, ça fonctionne bien pour moi.  J’adore le goût.  Même mes pains à Hamburger sont au Kamut et je dois avouer que mes Burgers sont les meilleurs!  Je fais une très bonne compétition à ceux de David!

Je n’ai pas encore trouvé de Ciabatta au Kamut.  Alors si vous savez où je peux me le procurer, envoyez-moi un message.

2e changement : Le beurre d’amande
Toute ma vie j’ai mangé des toasts au beurre de peanuts pour déjeuner.  Et naturellement (dit-elle sarcastiquement), cet aliment de ceux nuisibles d’après Dr. D’Adamo.  Je pensais que j’en souffrirais mais… j’adore le beurre d’amande.  J’y ai rajouté un peu de Stevia et voilà!  Une substitution totalement délicieuse.
Ce qui me fait réaliser que le premier changement que j’ai fait est de mettre du Stevia dans mon café.  Je n’ai plus de sucre blanc chez moi.  Pauvre Stéphane doit amener son propre sucre pour prendre son café!  MDR.

Mes prochaines étapes sont les légumes et les aliments à indice glycémique de moins de 50.  J’y travaille déjà depuis plusieurs mois et pas trouvé ce qui est rapide, facile et bon encore.

C’est à suivre...

Starting a new chapter

Hi Everyone,

I haven't blogged in a while.  I've been pretty busy.  Yes I'm starting a new chapter.  Repositionning my business and went back to school.

It's quite an ordeal!  I'm a busy girl.  I go to uncomfortable places and I resist and I surrender and I plan and I meet new people and... well you get the idea.

So I'm in school right now and working on a new offering.  Strategic consulting and Coaching in business management.  I can see how everything I have done to date has brought me here.

Anyone interested in this?  Does this speak to you in anyway or does it just leave you with questions?  OR, does it not even touch you? 

Let me know!


Sunday 4 December 2011

How to create your best year yet!

Those of you who know me are aware that every year at the end or the beggining of the year I reflect on what I want to create for the upcomming year.  It's a practice I started in my twenties.  I use to call it my "Wish List".

In the past 5 years (cause yes I am only 25!), it has evolved into many different things.  I've done lists, action plans, vision boards etc.  I like to step it up.  Some years I just did nothing.  Like the last year. I wrote a few goals in my BlackBerry but I didn't really keep anything in existences.    I was dealing with rather "life altering" situations what with the hysterectomy and cancer scare and all.

However, that is in the past and I re-discovered Robin Sharma!  I love Robin!  :-)

I don't remember if I've shared this in another blog, but I decided to do some cleansing.  Inside and Outside.  So I went through a cleaning phase in my basement and I found this note book.  I have tones of note books.  I'm a note book freak!  And, as I am preparing to plan for 2012, I was also preparing to go buy a new note book.  However, when I cleaned the basement, I found this 200 pages note book that had 180 pages left.  So I figured I'd use that and save money.

As I perused the book, I found all these notes I had taked and all this work I had created back in 2001!  Right after I had taken one of the biggest decisions of my life.  Quit my secure job, become self employed and stop being angry all the time.  All of those notes was from a Robin Sharma program called "MegaLiving".  I was so happy to re-read myself and see how a lot of those things I had created!  So I thought to myself, back in 2001, videos on the web weren't really "en vogue" yet but in 2011...  I thought wouldn't it be great if I could get coached by the man himself?

As I perused his site, I found this vlog called "How to make this the best year yet" and I loved it!    So inspired by it that I want to share with everyone!  A group of girlfriends and I (you know who you are and thanks for doing this with me) have gone through the process and are creating 2012. 

I love this process and am still creating as we speak.  I will probably share some of the stuff I created with you throughout my blogs.  I thought you might want to play with me also sooooo.... here is my process:

1)  I got myself a beautiful not book to write my notes in it and create 2012
2)  I made a point form document to share with the people who want to play so when they listen to the video, they can listen and not worry about taking notes on what he's saying and just enjoy his message.
3)  Robin invites us to create a plan for next year, I created a "Best Year Plan" Template so you can write your plan in it.
4)  I got friends to play with me so I am inspired by what they created.  In the beggining, I loved the video and was inspired by it but really didn't know what to write.  Having the girls share their ideas inspired me and then, I got on a roll.
5)  I bought myself a beautiful journal that I will be journaling in throught out next year.

So before I turn this post in to a book, I'm going to leave you with the link to the video and links to the downloads of the documents I created.

Let me know if you're playing with us!  I'd love to hear how it did for you.  I hope it inspires you as mush as it inspired me.  I am really empowered and feel great!

Have a great rest of the year! 

May inspiring and empowering thoughts invade your holiday season.


Notes from video click here
Plan document click here

Saturday 19 November 2011

60 tips to a stunningly great life!

Well, I'm getting ready for 2012.  So my next post will give you a document to support you if you want to do the same.

Like one of my previous post says, I found Robin Sharma and he inspires me so I want to share him with you!  Feel free to visit his site.

Do get Robin's 60 tips to a stunningly great life click here!

Saturday 22 October 2011

Robin Sharma

Well, today, I just have to talk to you about Robin Sharma.  I don't know if you are familiar with him but I just love him. 

I love to be inspired and to inspire others.  I once read a definition of inspiration, it said:  To breathe life into something.  Yep!  I love it when I can breathe life into someone, something.

So today, I want to share this video from Robin.  It's based on his book Leading without a title.  Hope it makes a difference to you.

Thursday 20 October 2011

My First Real Blog

Ok well, I wrote this was my first real blog but the reality is, I'm still testing.  There are a lot of things I want to put up here and I'm going to have to start planning.

Let's beggin by introducing "moi".  I'm Jasmyne.  And I'm bilingual.  That's like part of my "brand" if I can say that.  Actually, I can say that because it's my blog.

I just watched the movie "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold" and in this movie, the creator asks people what their brand is.  Made me wonder what my brand was.  Soo, on this blog, I will figure it out.

So first and foremost, I am female and "Frenglis."  So this is how this blog will be.  I'll apologize in advance to those of you who do not read French because this blog will definitely have French posts.

I'm creating this a presentation called "How To Make This New Year Your Best Year Yet - Reinvent Your Business and Your Life."...  Maybe I'll share that with you next time.

Dream it, Dare it, Do it!